Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W4
$∀$ , For All, Conjunction, ∧, all things $∃$, Exist, Disjunction, ∨, at least one
$∃x$[$A(x) ∧ B(x)$] ≠ $∃x\(A(x)$ ∧ $∃x\)B(x)$, False
There is a game player who is both an attacker and a defender.
There is a game player who is an attacker, and There is a game player(another one?) who is a defender.
$∃x$[$A(x) ∨ B(x)$] = $∃x\(A(x)$ **∨** $∃x\)B(x)$
There is a game player who is an attacker or a defender.
There is a game player who is an attacker, or who is a defender.
$∀x$[$A(x) ∨ B(x)$] ≠ $∀x\(A(x)$ ∨ $∀x\)B(x)$, False
All nature number are even or odd
All nature number are even, or All nature number are odd
$∀x$[$A(x) ∧ B(x)$] = $∀x\(A(x)$ ∧ $∀x\)B(x)$
All athletes are both strong and big
All athletes are strong, and all athletes are big.